College of Business & Management

Modern managers at the top of their game do not only lead teams – they are skilled problem-solvers, experts at cost analysis and are able to leverage technology to develop their businesses and impact wider industries. A BBA degree in Management creates a world of opportunity for leadership careers across industry, government, and non-profit organizations, as well as for advanced study.

Degree Programs

Why Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is now the driving force behind many businesses. Companies are now hiring marketeers with digital capabilities as their first priority, with the recent shift to online working making them in high demand. People who think in big, bold colors with ambitious ideas love the limitless potential of a socially-driven career. It is a versatile path that requires creativity, market analysis skills and real-time response.

Why Finance?

The financial sector is a diverse and fascinating career field, and with this internationally-centric business degree majoring in finance, opportunities exist in the leadership of any business, non-profit organization, or government agency. This course also has a strong focus on financial management for entrepreneurship, enabling students to pursue an advisory role to all scales of corporations.

Why Human Resources?

A company’s human resources department does much more than hire staff; they are at the forefront of creating fair labor practices, ensuring diversity in the workplace and helping employees get the best out of their roles. Professionals in Human Resources work to create a safe, healthy, productive environment to support and grow a business. Human Resource professionals often sit at the right hand of CEOs, helping them to nurture talent, listening to business needs and ultimately growing company productivity.

Why Management?

Modern managers at the top of their game do not only lead teams – they are skilled problem-solvers, experts at cost analysis and are able to leverage technology to develop their businesses and impact wider industries. A BBA degree in Management creates a world of opportunity for leadership careers across industry, government, and non-profit organizations, as well as for advanced study.

Why Business Management?

A high-level MBA qualification opens up a wealth of leadership opportunities. AUBH’s MBA can accelerate a corporate career path or lay the foundation for the next tech startup. This degree is widely applicable across all industries; exploring the latest global business trends, the newest management tools and techniques, and challenging students to improve networks and collaboration.