Teaching Digital Marketing to Digital Natives at AUBH 

Maryam Husain Almahdi 

With the aim of keeping our students informed about the latest developments in digital marketing theory and practice and to prepare them for a highly competitive job market, we have introduced a program in Digital Marketing and Social Media at AUBH.   

Designing this course, we had three main aims in mind. First, as our students belong to generation Z and are certainly digital natives, this program had to challenge them and stimulate their creativity and engagement through teaching them about the latest in digital marketing technology and customer trends. Second, it is vital to communicate to them, through the program, how theoretical knowledge and research insights inform digital marketing practice. Indeed, we believe that theoretical knowledge and research skills will give our graduates a competitive edge in the market. Finally, we are adamant to teach students and immerse them using different practical tools and interactive methods, like using video-game-inspired walkthroughs (playthroughs) to critique brand digital channels, practicing social listening and competitive analysis, and collaboratively planning and implementing social media campaigns, among others.   

When it comes to this program, the sky is the limit. It is a dynamic program that will evolve with advancements in technology, online marketing theories, and customer orientations. One thing is for sure though, our graduates will be ready to join the market as creative, autonomous, and knowledgeable professionals.