Health & Safety

These guidelines were created by the Health and Safety Office of American University of Bahrain (AUBH) for the use of all employees, students, visitors and other interested parties. The aim is to keep all individuals informed and provide basic Health and Safety measures.

It is the policy of AUBH, in accordance with Health and Safety at work and other local country statutory requirements, to strive for excellence and continual improvement. AUBH will execute all necessary actions to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of its staff, students, visitors, and others affected by its operational activities.

AUBH is committed to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment for all students, employees, visitors, vendors, and contractors. The University will continually strive to improve the Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) performance.

AUBH will conduct its operations in a safe manner and take all practical steps to eliminate any potential hazard or reduce risks that may result in personnel injury, ill health, damage to the workplace environment or property loss.

As a minimum requirement in the conduct of its activities, AUBH at all levels, will comply with applicable HSE legal and other requirements.

AUBH will establish, implement and maintain processes for participation and consultation with employees including documented HSE objectives which will be reviewed and updated annually or as otherwise required.

All Managers and Deans have primary responsibility for the safety and well-being of personnel, equipment and facilities in their department.

As a condition of employment, all employees are required to perform their job requirements safely, while maintaining a safe and healthy workplace, and promoting the protection of their direct environment.

All individuals who manage or participate in AUBH operations is expected to abide by this policy.

All accidents and incidents must be reported to the Health & Safety Officer as soon as possible, using the appropriate forms and paperwork. Particulars of the accident or incident can be completed by the affected person or by any person acting on her/his behalf, e.g. the appropriate reporting officer or departmental manager.

Accident and incident reporting forms are available on the AUBH shared network. All reporting forms must be kept by the Campus Health & Safety Officer with an additional copy retained within the concerned department. Forms should be readily accessible at all reasonable times to any injured person or any person acting on her/his behalf.

The committee, when necessary, can investigate the cause of all accidents and incidents and ensure that all preventative actions have been recorded and implemented.

All accidents and incidents must be reported to the Health & Safety Officer as soon as possible, using the appropriate forms and paperwork. Particulars of the accident or incident can be completed by the affected person or by any person acting on her/his behalf, e.g. the appropriate reporting officer or departmental manager.

Accident and incident reporting forms are available on the AUBH shared network. All reporting forms must be kept by the Campus Health & Safety Officer with an additional copy retained within the concerned department. Forms should be readily accessible at all reasonable times to any injured person or any person acting on her/his behalf.

The committee, when necessary, can investigate the cause of all accidents and incidents and ensure that all preventative actions have been recorded and implemented.

Regular fire drills must be held on all premises at least once in a year and recorded formally to enable regular reviews of procedures and targets set for evacuation.

Fire Exits must be checked daily.

Escape routes must be kept clear and clean at all times.
Fire notices and fire escape route signage must be displayed in all buildings.
University based fire risk assessments are periodically undertaken. Regular risk assessments should be carried out by the risk assessment team and the risk assessments will identify specific fire hazards and measures to control the associated fire risks. The University aims to develop in-house competence in fire risk assessment training. Such training will be simultaneous with generic risk assessments to comply with general fire precautions.

Regular fire drills must be held on all premises at least once in a year and recorded formally to enable regular reviews of procedures and targets set for evacuation.

Fire Exits must be checked daily.

Escape routes must be kept clear and clean at all times.
Fire notices and fire escape route signage must be displayed in all buildings.
University based fire risk assessments are periodically undertaken. Regular risk assessments should be carried out by the risk assessment team and the risk assessments will identify specific fire hazards and measures to control the associated fire risks. The University aims to develop in-house competence in fire risk assessment training. Such training will be simultaneous with generic risk assessments to comply with general fire precautions.

  • All persons on campus premises should become familiar with their work area and exit paths in advance, to be used in case of an emergency. It is essential to be aware of at least two exit ways out of a building.
  • When a fire is discovered, do not try to extinguish it by yourself.
  • Activate the nearest fire alarm box.
  • Dial the Civil Defense Emergency Call Center number 999, and report the exact location of the fire. Do not hesitate in activating the fire alarm box upon the detection of a fire and/or smoke.
  • Do not panic. Walk quickly to the closest emergency exit and report to the assembly point.
  • Close all doors but do not lock them as you leave in fire area, to confine fire and smoke. Before exiting through any closed door, check for heat and the presence of fire behind the door by feeling the door with the back of your hand. If the door feels very warm or hot to touch, advise everyone to proceed to another exit, but if safe, proceed with the evacuation.
  • Do not use elevators. If power is disrupted, elevators will stop working and will remain on the ground floor with the doors opened.
  • If smoke is encountered, bend on your knees and crawl along the wall to the nearest exit.
  • If you are unable to exit the building:
    • Remain calm and do not panic.
    • Remain in a low position and crawl if necessary/possible.
    • Place a cloth, wet if possible, over your mouth to serve as a filter.
    • Signal for help from a window. Use a towel, clothing, sign etc.
  • Walk one behind the other. Stay to one side when walking through corridors and staircases.
  • Avoid unnecessary talking and keep the lines moving.
  • Persons requiring assistance in an evacuation should proceed to a staircase entrance area and wait for assistance.
  • Be aware that faculty, staff and students with disabilities may also need individual assistance. Assist them whenever possible. A list of students with disabilities is updated each semester and is available for emergency responders in the event of an emergency. All faculty and staff with disabilities may contact the Health and Safety Office if they would like to be placed on the list.
  • It is critical to meet at the designated assembly point outside and away from the building, to ensure that all individuals have evacuated the building. The determined assembly points for the AUBH premises are in the parking area.
  • If a fire progresses to a dangerous level, all individuals, as instructed, will be instructed to gather at the designated assembly points for additional safety.
  • The Fire warden of the location agency will conduct floor sweeps to ensure that all individuals have been evacuated from the building. The Fire warden will then exit the building and report the location of any missing/trapped individuals to top Management.
  • Firefighters and pre-designated staff and/or faculty, who are trained in fire precaution, will assist all persons who require special assistance to evacuate the building. Persons with special needs will be moved to a predesignated area for safe refuge on the floor in which they work, or to the nearest staircase. Re-entry of buildings will only be allowed once the local fire agency or the authorities have cleared the building. This will be indicated through a verbal notification by the local fire agency (civil defense). Only authorized person(s) can only turn off the alarm when directed by the Campus Safety Officer and/or local fire agency.

Note: All AUBH members are required to review the fire evacuation plan and the escape routes for the building in which they work or attend class. The objective of this document is to provide all members including personnel, faculty and students with a comprehensive procedure for evacuation of the buildings in case of fire.

  • In the event of an emergency evacuation, the assigned emergency evacuation team should ensure that their areas are cleared and should report to the Head of Evacuation Team.
  • No employee, student or visitor may re-enter the premises until permission is given by the Head of Evacuation Team.
  • The Campus Operations team will maintain regular contact with the Campus Safety Officer to ensure that the premises are appropriately sign-posted and adequate facilities exist for emergencies.
  • In the event of an emergency, all persons must evacuate and assemble at the nearest designated assembly points.
  • AUBH does not permit smoking in the most areas of its property.
  • AUBH is committed to creating a high quality, safe and healthy working environment for all staff, students and visitors. In accordance with that commitment, AUBH recognizes the right of all staff and students to work and study in a smoke-free environment and has applied a policy of “no smoking” within its campus. Smoking is prohibited in all buildings (this includes all offices, classrooms, auditoriums, corridors, lifts, stairwells, toilets etc.).
  • Smoking is also prohibited at the entrances of buildings, around buildings and in the pedestrian paths leading to buildings entrances to ensure that tobacco smoke will not enter the building via the doorway or windows.
  • Smoking is not permitted within all vehicles owned or operated by the AUBH. “No smoking” signs are displayed in areas as required.
  • Compliance with AUBH policy should be managed on a local basis. Responsible persons are requested to implement the policy in the area which is under their responsibility and ensure that staff, students and visitors and, where applicable, contractors are made aware of this policy and that they comply with its requirements.
  • Any contractor or visitor who refuses to comply with the requirements of this policy will be asked to leave the Campus premises.